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affiance to promise or pledge (oneself) to marry; betroth.
assurance a pledge, promise, or guarantee. [1/3 definitions]
bet the amount of money you promise to pay if your guess about a future event is wrong. [1/3 definitions]
bonded subject to a binding promise to pay, as monetary debt. [1/3 definitions]
borrow to take something and promise to return it.
breach an act of breaking a law or promise. [1/4 definitions]
breach of promise in law, a breaking of a promise, esp. a promise to marry a particular person.
civil rights certain rights, such as the right to vote and own property. In the United States the Constitution and Acts of Congress promise these rights to citizens.
comer (informal) one who shows promise or is advancing rapidly. [1/2 definitions]
commit to promise to give a thing such as money or time or your own effort and to not change your decision to give it. [1/2 definitions]
cop out (informal) to avoid facing a responsibility or fulfilling a promise, esp. in a cowardly way.
cop-out (informal) an instance or act of evading responsibility or not fulfilling a promise.
covenant to promise by entering into a covenant. [1/6 definitions]
engage to promise (oneself or another), especially with the aim of entering into marriage. [1/6 definitions]
engaged keeping a promise and plan of marriage.
engagement a promise to marry; a period of time before the marriage. [1/2 definitions]
favorable showing the promise of something good. [1/3 definitions]
four-flusher (informal) one without the means to deliver on a promise; one whose position is weak, but who nonetheless presents it as strong; bluffer.
gage1 an object, such as a glove, thrown down as a symbol of a promise or challenge to fight. [1/2 definitions]
go back on to retract (a promise, statement, or decision).
guarantee a promise that something you have bought will work well. If it does not, the store must either repair it or give you a new one. [3/2 definitions]