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abeyance in law, a condition of temporarily undetermined ownership, as of property or an estate. [1/2 definitions]
absentee a person who is absent, esp. from duty, work, or property. [1/2 definitions]
actinic of or pertaining to the chemical property of ultraviolet radiation and x-rays that produces photochemical effects.
actinism the property of radiation that produces chemical activity.
alienate in law, to transfer (property, title, or the like) to another. [1/2 definitions]
alienation in law, the transfer of ownership of property to another. [1/3 definitions]
alienee in law, a person to whom property is transferred.
alienor in law, a person from whom property is transferred to another.
all one's complete interest, effort, or property. [1/12 definitions]
allotropic pertaining to or having the property of allotropy.
angary the legal right of a state or nation at war to seize, destroy, or otherwise use the property of a neutral state, provided proper compensation is made.
anisotropic having one or more physical property that differs depending on the direction of measurement. [1/2 definitions]
appanage an extra property or privilege offered to or claimed by someone as his or her due. [1/2 definitions]
appraisal an estimate, esp. by an official or expert, of the value of property, such as a house, land, work of art, or jewelry for the purpose of taxation, sale, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
asset (plural) property that can be exchanged for cash. [1/2 definitions]
assign to legally transfer interest, property, or rights. [2/6 definitions]
assignee a person to whom a right, claim, interest, or property is legally transferred. [1/2 definitions]
assignment a legal transfer of interest, property, or rights. [1/4 definitions]
backyard an open area behind a house that is part of the homeowner's property.
bail1 an amount of money or other property left with a court to ensure that a person who is released after arrest will return to stand trial. [1/5 definitions]
bailee the person who receives property in the payment of bail.