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advance (sometimes pl.) an approach or proposition, often sexual. [1/14 definitions]
copula in logic, a word that connects the subject and predicate of a proposition. [1/3 definitions]
corollary in mathematics, a proposition whose proof directly follows in one or a few steps from the proof of another proposition. [1/4 definitions]
debate a formal, structured, and usu. public contest in which two speakers, or two teams of speakers, argue opposing viewpoints on a specific proposition. [1/7 definitions]
diminishing returns a proposition in economics that when the amount of one factor of production, such as labor, is increased past a certain point while the amounts of other factors, such as land or capital, are held constant, additional output will increase only at a progressively lower and lower rate.
distributive in mathematics and logic, of or involving the property by which an operation may be applied to each item in an expression or proposition. [1/4 definitions]
hypothesis a proposition assumed to be true for the purposes of a particular argument; premise. [2/3 definitions]
lay1 to make a wager, bet, or proposition. [1/13 definitions]
Murphy's Law a facetious proposition that if it is possible for something to go wrong, it will go wrong.
obverse the counterpart, as to a proposition in logic. [1/5 definitions]
postulate in mathematics and logic, a proposition that is assumed to be true and is used to prove other propositions; axiom. [1/7 definitions]
predicate in logic, to declare (something) about the subject of a proposition. [1/7 definitions]
premise a proposition that forms the basis for an argument or a conclusion. [1/5 definitions]
reductio ad absurdum (Latin) the disproof of a proposition by demonstrating the impossibility or absurdity of its logical conclusion.
subsume to classify, consider, or include (an idea, proposition, or the like) in a more comprehensive or general category or principle. [1/2 definitions]
superaltern in logic, a universal proposition that is the basis for a particular proposition.
theorem a proposition or idea that can be proven by other formulas or propositions in mathematics, or deduced from accepted premises or assumptions in logic. [1/2 definitions]
thesis a statement or proposition put forward and supported by proof or argument. [1/4 definitions]
truth a proposition, principle, or fact that can be demonstrated or verified. [1/6 definitions]