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Dictionary Suite
airship a lighter-than-air aircraft, with its own propulsion system and steering control.
booster a segment of a rocket that provides the main source of propulsion during takeoff. [1/4 definitions]
drivetrain the assembly that transmits an engine's rotary motion to the actual means of propulsion such as a propeller or wheel.
free flight the flight or any part a flight, as of an airplane or rocket, that occurs without a means of propulsion.
jet1 an airplane powered by engines discharging a backward flow of heated gases to create forward propulsion. [1/5 definitions]
jet propulsion a way of giving aircraft and some small ships the power to move forward. Jet propulsion forces air and hot gases under high pressure to go through a jet nozzle.
powerboat a boat equipped with a usu. inboard motor for propulsion; motorboat.
rocket1 an engine that provides propulsion in the same manner. [1/6 definitions]
sail a large piece of fabric or the like that may be mounted on a vessel and extended to catch the force of the wind for propulsion. [1/12 definitions]
self-propelled having within itself its own means of propulsion.