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aegis protection; sponsorship.
asylum protection that is given by one country to refugees from another. [1/3 definitions]
auspice (usu. pl.) sponsorship or protection; patronage. [1/3 definitions]
barricade a structure that is put up quickly for protection or to block the way. [1/2 definitions]
booster shot an injection of a vaccine given at some time after the first injection. A booster shot continues the protection against disease begun by the earlier injection.
boot a covering for the foot and all or some of the leg, usu. made of leather or rubber and worn for protection. [1/10 definitions]
bracer2 an arm or wrist guard worn by archers as protection from the bowstring.
Brunei an independent Asian country under British protection, on the north coast of Borneo.
bulwark anything or anyone that provides strength, support, or protection. [2/4 definitions]
care the act of watching over or tending; protection. [2/8 definitions]
chaparejos seatless leather trousers worn by cowboys over their regular pants, for extra protection; chaps.
charge care or protection. [1/12 definitions]
civil defense emergency procedures and facilities organized by civilians for the protection of people and property in cases of flood, famine, war, or the like.
conservation the protection of natural resources such as soil, water, or forests from harm.
consul a national government official assigned to live in a foreign city in order to give assistance and protection to his or her nation's citizens who live or travel there, and to promote his or her country's commercial interests. [1/2 definitions]
cot2 a covering used for protection, such as a bandage. [1/3 definitions]
cover to put or spread something over or on, as for protection or concealment. [3/21 definitions]
coverage the amount or type of protection available against loss or liability as provided by insurance or reserve funds, or the protection itself. [1/3 definitions]
defensive intended for defense or protection, or serving to defend or protect. [1/6 definitions]
deprived lacking or prevented from having that which is needed, especially such things as food, shelter, education, protection, and affection.
dugout a hole in the ground used as a shelter for protection from storms or bombs. [1/3 definitions]