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antiproton in physics, the antiparticle of a proton.
baryon in physics, a heavy subatomic particle of half-integral spin, such as a proton, neutron, or hyperon.
chromodynamics in particle physics, the theory of the strong interaction between quarks and gluons, fundamental particles that form hadrons such as the proton and neutron.
deuterium an isotope of hydrogen that has one proton and one neutron in each nucleus; heavy hydrogen. (Cf. protium, tritium.)
deuteron a particle composed of one proton and one neutron that is equivalent to the nucleus of a deuterium atom and that has a positive charge.
hydrogen a chemical element that contains one proton in each nucleus and that occurs naturally in many compounds such as water, acids, petroleum hydrocarbons, and carbohydrates, and in pure form as a highly flammable, lighter-than-air gas used in many industrial applications, such as the hydrogenation of fats and oils. (symbol: H) (Cf. deuterium, protium, tritium.)
meson any of a group of elementary particles that react strongly with other particles, and that have a mass between that of the electron and that of the proton.
neutron a small particle present in the nucleus of all atoms except the hydrogen atom. Neutrons have no electrical charge. The mass of a neutron is about equal to the mass of a proton.
nucleon a proton or neutron, esp. as a component of an atomic nucleus.
protium the nonradioactive, most common isotope of hydrogen, having one proton and no neutrons in the nucleus of each atom. (Cf. deuterium, tritium.)
proton a tiny particle in the nucleus of an atom. A proton has a positive electrical charge.
upsilon in physics, any of several ephemeral particles whose mass is ten times that of a proton. [1/2 definitions]