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Bunraku a traditional form of Japanese puppet theater, that uses large wooden puppets manipulated by visible puppeteers who are dressed in black.
jack-in-the-box a toy that is made up of a box with a puppet inside. The puppet springs out when the lid of the box is opened.
marionette a puppet whose arms and legs are worked with strings or wires.
Punch the hook-nosed, humpbacked husband of Judy in the Punch-and-Judy puppet show.
Punch-and-Judy show a puppet show consisting of slapstick humor in which the grotesque and quarrelsome Punch constantly fights with his wife Judy.
Punchinello the chief comic character in a traditional Italian puppet show who is the prototype of Punch, or a person resembling this character.
ventriloquist a person who can speak or utter sounds without moving his or her lips, and who makes a puppet, other person, or animal appear to speak, esp. as a form of entertainment.
wirepuller one who manipulates wires or strings, as of a puppet. [1/2 definitions]