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apply to make use of or put to use. [1/5 definitions]
arrangement a group of things that have been put together in a certain way. [1/2 definitions]
assembly a collection of parts put together to form a whole, as in a machine. [1/4 definitions]
assembly line a set-up in a factory whereby a product being put together passes, in moving along a track, conveyor belt, or the like, a succession of stations with workers, each of whom adds, adjusts, or secures apart to the whole.
baste1 to sew with long, loose stitches. Basting lets one put together the pieces of a garment to see how it fits before the final sewing.
bed to put to bed (often fol. by "down"). [1/10 definitions]
book sheets of paper that are put together between two covers. The sheets can be empty or have writing or pictures on them. [1/3 definitions]
cascade a series of electrical components arranged so that the output of one serves as the input to the next. [1/5 definitions]
chase1 to force in a given direction by pursuit or the like; put to flight. [1/9 definitions]
chemistry the study of basic substances found on earth or in space, how they work, and what happens when they are put together. This type of science helps people understand nature and also to invent completely new things.
composition the way the parts of something are put together. [1/2 definitions]
concoction a mixture of different things that someone has put together in an innovative way. A concoction is often an unusual mixture of liquids.
confect to make up, put together, or manufacture by combining materials or ingredients. [1/2 definitions]
confound to put to shame; abash. [1/6 definitions]
constitution that which makes up something, or the way that something is put together or composed. [1/6 definitions]
construct to build; put together.
construction something that is put together or built; building or structure. [1/3 definitions]
crazy quilt a patchwork quilt in which pieces of varying color, shape, and size are put together in no specific pattern. [1/2 definitions]
cross such a structure upon which persons once were put to death. [1/16 definitions]
death chamber the room in which someone has died, is dying, or is to be put to death.
decimate in former times, to put to death one tenth of (a conquered army or populace). [1/2 definitions]