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aim to direct, as a remark, question, or criticism. [1/8 definitions]
answer what you say or write after someone asks you a question; a reply. [1/2 definitions]
ascertain to learn without question; determine.
ask to put a question to someone. [2/4 definitions]
ask around to try to find out something by asking people of one's acquaintance the same question.
assumed accepted without question; presumed. [1/2 definitions]
calculate to add, subtract, multiply, or divide in order to find an answer to a number question.
calculation the process of getting an answer to a number question by adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing. The answer that is reached at the end of this process can also be called a calculation.
call around to make phone calls to different people asking the same question of each.
canvass to discuss or debate (an issue, question, or the like) thoroughly. [1/8 definitions]
catechize to teach (someone) by a question and answer method, esp. religious principles. [2 definitions]
certain known without question; indisputable. [1/8 definitions]
certainly without doubt or question. [1/2 definitions]
challenge a calling into question; request for an explanation or proof. [2/6 definitions]
counterquestion combined form of question.
cross-examine to question thoroughly and insistently, often for the purpose of comparing responses with those of earlier questioning. [2 definitions]
cross-question a question asked in a cross-examination. [1/2 definitions]
crush to put down or defeat without question. [1/5 definitions]
custom (plural but used with a singular verb) the process in which official people inspect goods and question travelers about what things they are bringing into a country, or the place where this is done. [1/4 definitions]
debrief to question (an astronaut, soldier, or the like) in order to obtain any information gathered during a mission.
deliberate to think about an issue or question in a careful and thorough way, sometimes by discussing them with others. [1/3 definitions]