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active capable of constant or quick movement. [1/7 definitions]
acute sharp; quick; sensitive. [1/4 definitions]
agile quick in mind; sharp; alert. [1/2 definitions]
agitate to cause to move in a quick, tumbling motion or with force; shake. [1/3 definitions]
agitato quick and restless or excited in movement or style; agitated (used as a musical direction).
alert quick to notice and act.
allegretto light, graceful, and quick in tempo, but slower than allegro (used as a musical direction). [1/2 definitions]
animated cartoon a motion picture made by photographing a sequence of drawings showing stages of movement, so as to create the illusion of motion when the images are projected in quick succession.
aperçu (French) a quick glimpse; glance. [2/3 definitions]
bite a quick meal; snack. [1/10 definitions]
blow1 a quick, hard hit by the hand or by a hard object.
bob1 to make a quick or jerky movement up and down.
bop2 a sharp, quick blow with a fist or weapon. [1/2 definitions]
Brazilian wandering spider any of a family of highly venomous, quick-moving, and aggressive spiders native to the rainforests of Brazil, also known as the banana spider for the frequency with which members of this family are found in bunches of bananas.
bright quick to learn; smart. [1/5 definitions]
brilliant having a very smart, sharp, and quick mind. [1/3 definitions]
brisk active or full of energy; lively; quick. [1/2 definitions]
brush1 a quick, light touch or short encounter. [1/6 definitions]
by the way used to add into a conversation something that is on a different subject. This may simply function as a quick interruption of the original discussion or it may serve to change the direction of the conversation completely.
catchpenny made cheaply for quick sale. [1/2 definitions]
chatter to make a series of quick, short sounds. [3/5 definitions]