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Dictionary Suite
counterpane something, such as a quilt, used to cover a bed; bedspread.
crazy quilt a patchwork quilt in which pieces of varying color, shape, and size are put together in no specific pattern. [1/2 definitions]
duvet a bed covering filled with feathers or other soft material and generally having a removable and washable cover so that it can be used as both top sheet and quilt.
eiderdown the soft down from the breast of the female eider, or a quilt or comforter filled with this down. [2/3 definitions]
pad1 a piece of soft material used as cushioning to protect from abrasion or impact, such as a cushion, mat, or thick piece of blanket or quilt. [1/12 definitions]
patch to assemble (a patchwork quilt or the like) by putting together patches. [1/10 definitions]
quilt to sew together to make a quilt. [4/3 definitions]
quilting bee a social gathering of women at which they work together on a quilt or quilts.
tuft to fasten (a quilt cover, upholstery, or the like) by stitching through to the inside material at points, leaving a clump of thread secured by a knot or button. [1/8 definitions]