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Dictionary Suite
carousel a rotating, circular conveyor, such as an airline baggage conveyor or a revolving household rack for spices. [1/2 definitions]
coatrack a rack or stand fitted with pegs or hooks used for the storage of garments, esp. coats and hats.
grill a rack of metal bars used to hold foods for cooking over flames. [1/4 definitions]
music stand a vertically adjustable rack for holding sheets of music for a performer or conductor.
penholder a rack for holding pens. [1/2 definitions]
rack1 to cause great suffering or pain to; torture. [2/4 definitions]
single-foot the fast pace of a horse in which the legs move in pairs at each side but not quite at the same time; rack. [1/2 definitions]
stand a table or rack for holding a certain thing. [1/16 definitions]
valet a rack or stand for articles such as coats, trousers, and hats. [1/5 definitions]
wrack3 variant of rack4.