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blackbody in physics, a hypothetical body that theoretically absorbs all radiant energy falling on its surface.
bright in a radiant or shining manner; brightly. [1/7 definitions]
effulgent shining brightly; radiant; brilliant.
first quarter the phase of the moon's reflection of sunlight that occurs when the right half of the moon, as seen from the Northern Hemisphere, is radiant, about one week after the new moon.
fulgent remarkably bright and shining; dazzling; radiant.
glow to show strong, good feelings; be radiant. [1/6 definitions]
greenhouse gas any atmospheric gas that absorbs and emits radiant energy and contributes to the greenhouse effect.
light up to become radiant, as with joy or interest. [1/5 definitions]
nimbus a radiant light, often shown in paintings as a circle or halo about the head of a saint, deity, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
Phoibos a byname, meaning "radiant," for the Greek god Apollo. The Latin variant is Phoebus.
photovoltaic pertaining to, producing, or utilizing voltage that has been generated using radiant energy.
Planck's constant the fundamental constant in quantum mechanics that expresses the ratio of the radiant energy of one quantum to the frequency of radiation.
radial related to or transmitted as rays; radiant. [1/7 definitions]
radiance the quality of being radiant or bright. [1/2 definitions]
radiant flux the rate at which radiant energy such as heat or light flows through a given area.
radiate to project in a radiant manner. [1/8 definitions]
radio- radiant energy; x-rays. [1/3 definitions]
radiolucent showing little or no resistance to x-rays or other forms of radiant energy.
radiometer an instrument for measuring radiant energy or transforming radiant energy into mechanical energy, consisting of vertical vanes that absorb more heat on one side than the other, so that they rotate around an axis when irradiated.
radiosensitive sensitive or susceptible to destruction by radiant energy, as living organisms or tissue.
refulgent shining brilliantly; radiant.