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Dictionary Suite
act to play a role in a film or play, or on television or radio. [1/14 definitions]
actor a person who performs in a play, a movie, or a radio or television program.
actress a woman or girl who performs in a play, a movie, or a radio or television program.
aerial a radio or television antenna. [1/3 definitions]
aircheck a recording of a radio broadcast, esp. of music.
airing a broadcast, usu. of prerecorded material, on radio or television. [1/3 definitions]
airplay the broadcasting of a recording by a radio or television station.
airtime broadcast time allotted, as to an event or news story, on television or radio.
airwaves the media used for transmission of radio and television signals.
airway (pl.) the collective band of frequencies used for broadcasting by radio stations. [1/3 definitions]
AM a system of varying a radio signal's amplitude so as to impose the signal on a carrier wave; amplitude modulation. [1/2 definitions]
anchor the main person who reports the news on a television or radio program. [1/2 definitions]
announce to report on the action of an event, often on radio or television. [1/2 definitions]
announcement a spoken commercial advertisement or other message, esp. on radio or television. [1/3 definitions]
announcer a person who presents programs or reads advertisements on radio or television.
antenna a metal device that sends or receives radio or television signals. [1/2 definitions]
atmospherics (used with a sing. verb) static in radio reception caused by atmospheric electrical activity. [1/2 definitions]
audience the people reached by television, radio, newspapers, or magazines. [1/3 definitions]
bandwidth the range of radio frequencies required to transmit a certain type of signal.
beacon a signal of light or radio waves that guides or warns ships or aircraft.
beeper a device that emits a beeping sound when it receives a radio signal, usu. used for paging those who carry it.