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honky-tonk of or related to a style of ragtime music typically performed on a piano with muffled strings. [1/3 definitions]
jazz a form of music characterized by improvisation and complex rhythms, with early influences of ragtime and blues. Jazz originated among Black musicians during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in America. Jazz has continued to evolve and to influence new forms of modern music in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
one-step a ballroom dance that consists of an unbroken series of quick walking steps and is danced to ragtime music. [1/3 definitions]
rag3 a composition of ragtime music.
ragtime a form of music developed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century in America. Ragtime was a popular kind of music with a bouncy rhythm, usually written for the piano.
shimmy an American ragtime dance involving rapid shaking of the shoulders and hips. [1/4 definitions]
turkey trot a dance to ragtime music, popular in the early 1900s, characterized by a springy walk and up-and-down movements of the shoulders.