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Dictionary Suite
baluster any of a set of closely spaced posts that support a rail, as of a staircase or balcony.
balustrade a rail and the set of balusters, or posts, that support it.
banister the rail of a staircase; railing. [3 definitions]
belaying pin a short round metal or wooden bar that fits into the rail of a ship, and around which ropes are secured.
carload the minimum weight required by law to ship freight by rail at a reduced rate. [1/2 definitions]
carloadings the number of carloads shipped by rail to or from a place in a specified period.
crosstie a transverse timber or rod used to support a longitudinal beam or rail. [1/2 definitions]
handrail a narrow rail that a person grips by the hand for support or protection.
line1 a transportation system, such as a shipping line, rail line, or bus line, or a particular route taken by vehicles in the system. [1/21 definitions]
lineman one who inspects or repairs rail lines. [1/3 definitions]
monorail a railroad whose cars run along a single rail, or the rail itself.
mud hen any of various birds, such as the rail or coot, inhabiting marshes or wetlands.
rail1 to provide or enclose with a rail or rails. [1/4 definitions]
railroad the entire set of trains, tracks, workers, and equipment that make up a rail transportation system. [1/2 definitions]
railway any line of rail tracks. [1/2 definitions]
RR abbreviation of "railroad," all the trains, tracks, and equipment that make up a rail transportation system. [1/2 definitions]
subway an underground passenger train or rail system in a large city. Subways are powered by electricity. [1/2 definitions]
taffrail the rail around the stern of a vessel.
third rail an added rail that carries the electric current in an electric railway or subway.
underground the British word for an underground passenger train or rail system in a large city. "Underground" has the same meaning as "subway." [1/6 definitions]
vituperate to criticize someone or something in harsh or abusive terms (often fol. by "against"); rail. [1/2 definitions]