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Dictionary Suite
ballast gravel or crushed rock under the rails and ties of a railway to increase stability. [1/4 definitions]
Br.1 abbreviation of "Bridge," a structure that extends a road, path, or other route over an obstacle such as a river or railway, to allow for continuous travel (used as part of a proper name).
bridge1 a structure that extends a road, path, or other route over an obstacle such as a river or railway, to allow for continuous travel. [1/6 definitions]
coach an inexpensive class of airline or railway travel, lacking the amenities of first class. [1/8 definitions]
concourse a large open space, as in a railway station, where many people pass or gather. [1/5 definitions]
dolly a small train engine used in a railway yard, quarry, or the like. [1/6 definitions]
elevated railway a railway that is elevated on a framework, permitting ground traffic to circulate beneath it.
funicular a short, steep railway operated by a cable, on which ascending and descending cars are counterbalanced. [1/4 definitions]
fusee a red flare used as a warning signal, esp. of stalled railway trains or of stalled trucks on a highway. [1/4 definitions]
handcar a small platform or open car on wheels, usu. powered by a hand pump and used on a railway to transport railroad workers and equipment over short distances.
observation car a railway car with large windows from which passengers may observe the scenery.
parkway (chiefly British) a railway station, usu. with extensive parking facilities, serving suburban commuters. [1/2 definitions]
pkwy. (chiefly British) abbreviation of "parkway," a railway station, usu. with extensive parking facilities, serving suburban commuters. [1/2 definitions]
rail1 one of a pair of long metal bars along which a railway train travels. [1/3 definitions]
railroad a road of parallel steel rails upon which railway cars travel. [1/5 definitions]
redcap a baggage porter, esp. in a railway station.
roadbed the bed, as of gravel or crushed stone, on which a railway is laid. [1/2 definitions]
rolling stock all the wheeled vehicles belonging to a railway or trucking company.
subway the British word for a passage or tunnel beneath a road or railway for pedestrians to walk through. This meaning of "subway" has the same meaning as "underpass." [1/2 definitions]
terminal either end of a railway, shipping line, bus route, or the like, or a town at this place. [1/11 definitions]
terminus the end of a railway line, trolley line, or bus route. [1/4 definitions]