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acid rain rain that contains acid from pollution.
awning a cover made of canvas or other material that is placed over a door or window. An awning keeps out sun and rain.
bomb cyclone a cyclone that rapidly intensifies in areas outside of the tropics. A bomb cyclone may bring with it a vast amount of snow or rain over an area.
chimpanzee a mammal that lives in African rain forests. Chimpanzees are in the group of primate mammals called apes. They are related to, but smaller than, gorillas. Chimpanzees are very intelligent and sometimes use tools to get food.
coulee a deep, narrow ravine, esp. in the western United States, cut by rain or melting snow. [1/2 definitions]
creek a stream, smaller than a river, in some places flowing only after rain falls or snow melts.
cumulonimbus a tall, large, and dense cloud associated with heavy rain or hail; thundercloud.
deluge an extremely heavy rain; downpour. [1/5 definitions]
downfall a fall of snow or rain; downpour. [1/3 definitions]
downpour a very heavy rain.
drizzle to rain in light drops. [2 definitions]
drought a long period with little or no rain.
dry not getting much rain, or not getting any rain. [1/4 definitions]
dust storm a storm of very strong winds that sweep up dust from the land. Dust storms can occur when the land has become very dry from lack of rain.
exposure the condition of being exposed to wind, cold, heat, rain, or other forces of nature. [1/6 definitions]
fair1 free from rain, snow, and storms; clear. [1/7 definitions]
freshet a sudden rise or overflow of a stream, because of heavy rain or a sudden thaw. [1/2 definitions]
gargoyle a pipe or spout for rain in the shape of such an ornament. [1/2 definitions]
gibbon a kind of primate that lives in Asian rain forests. Gibbons are small apes that can weigh up to twenty-five pounds. They have long arms and can swing quickly through trees. All kinds of gibbons are endangered.
gust an abrupt or sudden burst of anything, such as smoke, rain, or emotional response. [1/3 definitions]
gusty marked by gusts, as of wind or rain. [1/2 definitions]