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advance to raise in rank or position. [1/8 definitions]
alarmist one who tends to exaggerate dangers and raise undue alarms. [1/2 definitions]
apotheosize to raise to the status of god; deify; glorify.
bake sale an event in which baked items, such as cookies and cupcakes, are sold in order to raise money for a particular cause.
baking powder a powder that is used to raise dough or batter during baking.
baking soda a white powder used to raise dough or batter during baking. It is also used to settle an upset stomach.
benefit a social event to raise money for a specific cause or person. [1/5 definitions]
Black Lives Matter an early twenty-first century social and political movement that seeks to raise awareness of and put an end to unjust treatment of Black people, esp. that which occurs in the form of police brutality.
blister to raise a blister on. [1/4 definitions]
boost to raise to a higher position by pushing from below. [1/5 definitions]
bring up to raise (a child) in a certain way or in a certain religion. [1/4 definitions]
British thermal unit a unit of heat equal to the amount needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit, or equal to about 252 calories. (abbr.: Btu)
Btu abbreviation of "British thermal unit" or "British thermal units," a unit of heat equal to the amount needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit, or equal to about 252 calories.
Cal.1 abbreviation of "large calorie," or "large calories"; the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water one degree Celsius.
cal.2 abbreviation of "small calorie," or "small calories," a unit of heat equal to the amount necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree Celsius, also known as "gram calorie."
calorie a unit of heat equal to the amount necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree Celsius; gram calorie; small calorie. (abbr.: cal.) [2/3 definitions]
carwash a similar, temporary enterprise, usu. to raise funds for a charity, school, athletic team, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
cavil to raise petty objections to; quibble about. [1/3 definitions]
chicken a common bird that people raise on farms for its meat and eggs.
crane to raise, lower, or carry with or as with a crane. [1/6 definitions]
cube1 to raise (a number) to the third power. [1/5 definitions]