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cyclonite an insoluble, crystalline, nitrogen compound used as an explosive or as rat poison.
fox snake a harmless rat snake, having a yellowish color with dark patches on the back.
grenadier any of a variety of deep-sea fishes having an elongated tapering tail without a tail fin; rat-tail. [1/2 definitions]
keeshond any of a breed of dog with thick black and gray hair and a tail that curls forward over the back, originally used as watchdogs and rat catchers on barges in Holland.
lordosis a mating posture of some female mammals, such as the rat, in which the back is arched downward. [1/3 definitions]
rat a small mammal with a pointed face and a very long tail. A rat looks similar to a mouse but is larger.
water rat any rat that lives on the bank of a river or pond. [1/2 definitions]
whisker one of the long, stiff hairs growing near the mouth of a cat, rat, and certain other animals. [1/2 definitions]