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angiogram an x-ray image of blood vessels that is taken after injecting a substance that absorbs x-rays into the blood.
Aquadag in electronics, trademark for the graphite coating on the inside of some cathode ray tubes.
arteriography examination of the arteries by x-ray after injection with a radiopaque dye.
barium sulfate an opaque insoluble white powder that is used as a pigment in paints and a filler for plastics and textiles, and is swallowed as a diagnostic aid in x-ray examination of the stomach and intestines.
batfish a stingray or batlike ray found in the Pacific. [1/2 definitions]
beam a narrow ray of light. [1/5 definitions]
crampfish see "electric ray."
CRT abbreviation of "cathode-ray tube," a vacuum tube in which a stream of electrons is accelerated and focused in a beam that produces lighted traces on a screen at one end of the tube, used in television sets, computer monitors, and the like.
devilfish a manta or other very large ray. [1/2 definitions]
discoid of a composite flower, having disk flowers only, without ray flowers. [1/3 definitions]
elasmobranch any of various fishes with a cartilaginous skeleton, such as a shark or ray.
electromagnetic wave a wave that contains a magnetic and electric component and that is created by an accelerating electric charge, such as a radio wave, x-ray, or light.
electron gun the electron-emitting cathode in a cathode ray tube together with the electromagnetic apparatus that collects and focuses the electron stream.
encephalogram an x-ray photograph of the spaces of the brain normally filled with cerebrospinal fluid, partially replaced for the procedure by air or dye.
incidence the arrival of a light ray or the like on a surface. [1/3 definitions]
kinescope a cathode-ray tube that directs a beam of electrons to reproduce a transmitted picture on a luminescent screen; picture tube. [1/3 definitions]
mammogram an x-ray picture of the breast, usu. made to check for cancerous growths.
mammography photography of the breast by x-ray, usu. for detection of cancerous growths.
moonbeam a ray of light from the moon.
myelogram an x-ray photograph of the spinal cord that is taken after a radiopaque substance has been administered.
picture tube the cathode-ray tube in a television receiver, with a screen at one end on which televised images appear.