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double-edged having two cutting edges, as a saw or razor blade. [1/2 definitions]
hone to sharpen (a knife, razor, or the like) with or as if with a hone. [1/5 definitions]
razor to remove with or as if with a razor. [1/4 definitions]
safety razor a razor with a detachable blade inserted between guards on the holder that protect against accidental cuts.
shave to remove hair from the face or body with a razor. [3/4 definitions]
shaver a razor, esp. an electric razor. [1/2 definitions]
straight razor a razor with a single stiff steel blade that folds into a handle.
strap a strip of material, usu. leather, on which to sharpen a razor; strop. [2/7 definitions]
strop a pliable strip, usu. of leather, on which a razor is sharpened. [2 definitions]