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Dictionary Suite
bar code a set of vertical bars of varying widths containing coded information that can be read by an optical scanner, usu. printed on the labels of consumer goods, on mail, and the like. (Cf. Universal Product Code.)
bingo a game in which players try to match numbers on a card with numbers read out by a caller. Each player has a card with numbered squares. The player who is the first to cover a whole row of squares is the winner.
blog shortened form of "Web log," an online journal that may be personal or topical, in which the author makes regular entries that appear in reverse chronological order and can be read by the general public. [1/2 definitions]
blogosphere all the blogs on the internet and the people who read and write them.
bookworm a person who loves to study and read books. [1/2 definitions]
Braille (often lowercase) a writing and printing system for blind people, in which patterns of raised dots are used to represent letters. Blind people touch the dots with their fingers to read.
bulletin board a board where you put notices and other things that you want people to read.
CD1 abbreviation of "compact disk," a palm-sized disk on which music, data, or the like has been digitally encoded, that is read by laser and transmitted to a playback device; optical disk.
CD-ROM an abbreviation for "compact disk, read only memory."
chant to read or speak in a chant. [1/4 definitions]
closet drama a play better read than performed.
coffeehouse a small, informal restaurant that specializes in coffee and light meals, and to which its patrons often come to socialize, listen to music, read, or the like; café.
compact disk a small disk on which music or information is stored. A compact disk is played on a machine that uses a laser to read it.
crack a book to open a book and read it, or to discipline oneself to study.
deliver to speak or read aloud. [1/5 definitions]
dictate to say or read aloud for someone to write down or for a machine to record. [1/3 definitions]
dictation the words that are spoken or read for that purpose. [1/3 definitions]
editor a person whose job is to read and correct pieces of writing.
encrypt to put (information) into a code, thus protecting it from being read and understood by those not authorized to have access to the information.
functional illiterate a person who does not read well enough to function properly in a given situation or job.
go through to discuss, explain, or read each one of a number of items. [1/7 definitions]