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agent provocateur (French) a secret agent who incites other people to commit acts that will subject them to punishment or prosecution, or who incites others to acts of rebellion or subversion; troublemaker.
counterinsurgency a government program or action designed to defeat a rebellion or guerilla insurgency. [1/2 definitions]
defiance resistance against authority; insubordination; rebellion. [1/3 definitions]
freedom fighter a person who participates in armed rebellion against an established government, with the expressed aim of freeing the people from oppression.
insurgence an insurrection; rebellion.
insurgency an armed rebellion against a government, usu. one's own. [1/2 definitions]
insurrection an act or instance of open rebellion against a government or other authority; uprising.
mutineer one who engages in open rebellion against constituted authority, esp. against one's military superior.
mutiny open disobeying or fighting against the leaders in charge; open rebellion against lawful authority. [1/2 definitions]
rebellious of or characteristic of a rebellion or rebels. [1/4 definitions]
revolt the act of rising up against the government or other authority; rebellion. [2/3 definitions]
rise to be in armed rebellion; revolt. [1/24 definitions]
Romantic Movement an artistic and intellectual movement, arising in Europe in the late eighteenth century in rebellion against classicism, in which freedom and creativity, individual feeling, mood, mystery, and regard for untamed nature were stressed.
royalist one who supports a monarchical form of government, as during a rebellion or revolution.
Russian Revolution the rebellion in Russia in 1917 that occurred in two stages, the first leading to the overthrow of the czarist government and establishment of a provisional government, and the second replacing this government with the Soviet government led by Lenin and the Bolsheviks.
sedition actions or speech intended or serving to create rebellion against a government.
skinhead any member of various groups whose shaved heads symbolize rebellion, racism, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
Titanism (sometimes l.c.) a spirit of revolt and rebellion against an established order or authority.