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antireflection combined form of reflection.
contemplation thoughtful reflection or examination; act of contemplating. [1/2 definitions]
diction word choice and arrangement in speech or writing, esp. as a reflection of forcefulness or effectiveness. [1/2 definitions]
diffuse to soften or break up (light), as by reflection from an uneven surface. [2/9 definitions]
diffusion a spreading of light rays or other radiation by reflection from or by passing through an irregular surface. [1/3 definitions]
echo a repetition of sound caused by reflection of sound waves from a surface, or a sound so produced. [1/8 definitions]
ethnomusicology the study of the music of one or more ethnic groups, esp. as a reflection of cultural values or differences.
first quarter the phase of the moon's reflection of sunlight that occurs when the right half of the moon, as seen from the Northern Hemisphere, is radiant, about one week after the new moon.
halo any circle or band of light produced by reflection or refraction of light by ice crystals suspended in the earth's atmosphere, as around the sun or moon. [1/2 definitions]
heavy causing great mental anxiety, suffering, or reflection; serious; deep. [1/10 definitions]
image a picture of something formed by a mirror; reflection. [1/4 definitions]
impersonal marked by lack of reflection or acknowledgement of someone's individuality or of a personal relationship to oneself. [1/5 definitions]
intonation the act or manner of speaking, esp. with regard to pitch and its reflection of meaning. [1/3 definitions]
kaleidoscope a rotating tube in which changing symmetrical forms are created by the reflection, in mirrors set at angles to each other, of small bits of colored class moving in a chamber at one end of the tube. [1/2 definitions]
musing meditation, contemplation, or reflection. [1/2 definitions]
name a label only, rather than a reflection of fact. [1/9 definitions]
narcissus (capital) in Greek mythology, a young man who fell in love with his own reflection and, when he perished from unfulfilled love, was transformed into a flower. [1/3 definitions]
near being a close reflection or reproduction. [1/11 definitions]
reflective created by or resulting from reflection. [1/3 definitions]
resonance the prolongation of sound vibration by reflection or reverberation. [1/5 definitions]
retreat a quiet place for rest, solitude, or reflection. [1/8 definitions]