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agreement the condition of having the same feelings or opinions regarding something. [1/3 definitions]
anent in reference to; regarding.
antilabor opposed to the interests of workers, esp. regarding unions.
anti-novel a novel-like work which does not have the usual characteristics of a novel, esp. regarding plot.
direction a stage or film director's decisions regarding a production. [1/7 definitions]
egocentric regarding oneself as the subject, object, and standard of all things. [1/3 definitions]
ex cathedra (Latin) from the chair; with the authority of one's office or rank (used esp. of statements from the pope regarding faith and morals).
exception an objection or negative criticism, as regarding a particular point. [1/4 definitions]
in re in the matter of; regarding.
Jainism a dualistic Hindu religion founded in India in the sixth century B.C., emphasizing asceticism, teaching transmigration of the soul, and regarding the worship of the gods as spiritually unimportant.
limited jurisdiction the authority of a court to hear and decide only certain types of cases, such as those regarding bankruptcy, traffic violations, or family disputes.
racism contempt for or distrust of members of a different race based on generalized, preconceived notions regarding their character or abilities. [1/3 definitions]
religion single-minded devotion to or zealous conviction regarding anything. [1/4 definitions]
Rip Van Winkle a person who fails to keep up with the times, esp. regarding popular tastes. [1/2 definitions]
self-discovery the act or process of coming to know or understand oneself, as regarding one's true needs and wants, one's identity, or one's vocation.
sentiment an attitude or point of view regarding something. [1/3 definitions]
talkathon an extremely lengthy talk in the form of a speech, debate, discussion, or the like, usu. regarding public concerns.
temper a state of mind or emotion at a specific time, esp. regarding contentment or irritability; mood. [1/11 definitions]
to regarding; concerning. [1/15 definitions]
with regarding; toward. [1/12 definitions]