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adjust to bring to a more desirable, fitting, or correct state, relationship, position, or the like. [1/5 definitions]
affair a love relationship, especially one between two people who are not married to each other. [1/3 definitions]
affinity a relationship by marriage. [1/5 definitions]
Ainu the language of this people, of undetermined relationship to other language groups. [1/3 definitions]
alignment the appropriate or expected relationship of one thing to another or others. [1/4 definitions]
analogy a statement of logic wherein one set of paired items has the same relationship between its two members as two items of another set. [1/5 definitions]
antibiosis a relationship between two organisms that harms one of them. (Cf. symbiosis.)
apposition in grammar, the relationship, esp. of the second to the first, of two nouns or noun equivalents that are placed together in a sentence without a connecting conjunction, as in "Ed Smith, the famous athlete". [1/3 definitions]
attached (informal) married or in a romantic relationship; not single or available as a partner. [1/4 definitions]
Basque the language spoken by this people, which has no known relationship to other languages. [1/3 definitions]
be done with to have no further relationship or connection with; end.
belonging closeness and mutual acceptance in a relationship. [1/2 definitions]
boyfriend a favorite male friend with whom you have a romantic relationship.
break up to end a relationship. [1/3 definitions]
case1 in grammar, the syntactical relationship of a noun, pronoun, or adjective to other words in a sentence, indicated by its inflection or its position in the sentence. [2/9 definitions]
causality the relationship or connection between cause and effect. [1/3 definitions]
causation the relationship between cause and effect; causality. [1/2 definitions]
chummy (informal) in a close, friendly relationship, or acting as if one were or wished to be in such a relationship.
cohabit to live together in an intimate relationship, esp. outside of marriage.
come between to break or disturb the relationship between (two people).
companionship the relationship between or among companions; friendship.