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at ease a standing position in the military. When at ease, soldiers may relax but must stay in place and cannot talk.
breathe easily to be able to relax after a period of tension or anxiety.
breathe easy to be able to relax after a period of tension or anxiety.
breathe freely to be able to relax after a period of tension or anxiety.
chill (informal) to relax calmly and without doing anything in particular. [1/16 definitions]
family room a large room in which a family gets together to relax, talk, or play games.
living room a room in a home in which people can relax or gather together. A living room usually has a couch and comfortable chairs.
loose to ease, slacken, or relax. [1/15 definitions]
loosen to make loose; relax. [1/2 definitions]
lounge a room or area where people can relax or wait. [1/5 definitions]
lull to cause (someone) to relax his or her ordinary alertness, so as to make vulnerable to deception. [1/4 definitions]
massage a treatment of the body that involves rubbing and kneading to help the blood circulate better and to relax muscles. [1/2 definitions]
meditate to clear the mind for a period of time as a way to relax.
play activity that is meant to relax or amuse. [1/6 definitions]
porch a structure or covered space attached to a house. It is used as an entrance to a house and often as a place to relax.
recreation the things that people do to relax or have fun when they are not working.
remit to allow (one's interest, effort, or the like) to abate or relax. [1/8 definitions]
resort a place where people go to relax and have fun while on vacation. [1/3 definitions]
rest1 to relax by sleeping or lying down. [1/2 definitions]
restless not able to relax, sit still, or stay quiet. [1/3 definitions]
rocking chair a chair that rests on two curved pieces of wood that allows it to rock. A rocking chair is used as a place to relax.