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alpha wave the type of brain wave that is a sign of relaxation, having frequencies from eight to thirteen hertz; alpha rhythm.
ease a state of relaxation in the company of others. [1/11 definitions]
easement in law, a relaxation of or exception to real property laws, as to allow a person or agency a right of way through another's property, or to allow a person or agency to build a structure not normally permitted. [1/3 definitions]
easy conducive to comfort and relaxation. [1/7 definitions]
family room a large room in which a family usu. gathers for recreation, conversation, relaxation, and the like.
getaway concerning or used for a period of relaxation away from work or daily cares. [1/5 definitions]
letdown easement of effort; relaxation after tension. [1/3 definitions]
massage a treatment of the body that involves rubbing, kneading, and stroking to improve circulation, ease stiffness, or provide relaxation. [1/2 definitions]
meditation sustained thought or self-forgetful concentration, esp. for the purposes of religious devotion or relaxation. [1/2 definitions]
natural childbirth childbirth undergone without anesthesia or surgical aid, in preparation for which the expectant mother has often received instruction in the management of pain through breathing and relaxation exercises.
opiate anything that induces relaxation, calm, or stupor. [1/7 definitions]
park an area of public land, as in a city, that is set aside for rest and relaxation. [1/6 definitions]
play activity that is intended for relaxation or amusement. [1/22 definitions]
relaxant of, pertaining to, or used for relaxation. [1/2 definitions]
relaxed marked by or allowing relaxation. [1/3 definitions]
resort a place providing facilities for rest and relaxation to those on vacation. [1/5 definitions]
rest1 a state of relaxation or sleep that heals or refreshes the body. [2/12 definitions]
rested having had enough sleep or relaxation.
solarium a room or porch that is enclosed in glass to admit sunlight for relaxation or convalescence.
Type B of, pertaining to, or designating a personality or a person characterized by serenity, relaxation, and contentment, and thus considered to be relatively unlikely to incur heart disease. (Cf. Type A.)