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authoritative accepted as correct and true; reliable as a source of information because said or written by an expert or authority. [1/2 definitions]
brick (informal) a generous or reliable person. [1/6 definitions]
definitive most reliable, complete, or authoritative. [1/3 definitions]
dependable deserving of trust or confidence; reliable.
faithful reliable or trustworthy. [1/7 definitions]
good sound; reliable. [1/25 definitions]
inconstant changeable, esp. frequently and at random; not faithful or reliable.
infallible not liable to error or failure; extremely reliable. [1/3 definitions]
mensch human being (German, Yiddish); a kind, reliable, compassionate person.
moonish not steady or reliable; capricious; fickle.
poop3 (slang) reliable information.
prison camp a minimum-security prison where prisoners considered to be reliable are held. [1/2 definitions]
regular a political party member who is loyal and reliable. [1/12 definitions]
secure able to be counted on; reliable. [1/10 definitions]
solid sound or reliable. [1/14 definitions]
sound2 financially stable or reliable. [1/6 definitions]
sounding board a person or group whose reactions to an idea or opinion are a reliable indicator of its general acceptability. [1/3 definitions]
stalwart steady and loyal; reliable. [1/4 definitions]
steadfast reliable; loyal. [1/2 definitions]
sure steady and without fail; reliable. [1/4 definitions]
tried fully tested, as by experience, and found to be worthy, reliable, or true. [1/3 definitions]