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chowchow a relish of pickled vegetables, often in a hot mustard sauce.
chutney a spicy sauce or relish of East Indian origin made with fruits and herbs.
condiment something used to flavor or season food, such as ketchup or relish.
horseradish the root of this plant, shredded and made into a relish or condiment. [1/2 definitions]
piccalilli a relish of East Indian origin, made of chopped vegetables such as green peppers, onions, and green tomatoes, mixed with mustard, vinegar, and hot spices.
relishable combined form of relish.
sauce a liquid dressing or relish that is served with food to add flavor. [1/4 definitions]
Thousand Island dressing a salad dressing of mayonnaise mixed with chili sauce, sweet pickle relish, or the like, giving it a speckled appearance.
zest great pleasure; keen enjoyment; relish. [1/4 definitions]