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backfill to refill with what was previously removed. [1/2 definitions]
bagasse the pulp that remains after juice has been removed from sugar cane or sugar beet. [1/2 definitions]
blackstrap molasses a dark, thick molasses from which most of the sugar has been removed.
boneless of meat or fish, with bones removed.
casualty a member of the armed forces removed from active duty as a result of being killed, wounded, captured, or missing in action. [1/5 definitions]
combings material that has been removed with a comb, such as hair or fibers.
come off to become detached, removed, or cleaned away from a surface. [1/6 definitions]
concentrate something in a pure form, with most of the water removed. [1/3 definitions]
copra dried coconut flesh, from which oil is removed for use in various products.
cottonseed meal meal made from the cottonseed after the hull and oil are removed, used as fertilizer and feed.
debit an amount of money removed from or owed on an account, or the record of that amount. [1/5 definitions]
decaffeinated having had the natural caffeine removed; having little or no caffeine.
distant cold, aloof, or removed; lacking warmth or attentiveness. [1/3 definitions]
dried having had all the water or moisture removed. [1/2 definitions]
European Union an economic and political union of a large number of democratic countries in Europe formed in 1993 from the former European Economic Community. Additional nations have joined since 1993, and one, the United Kingdom, had been a member originally but removed itself in 2020. The European Union currently consists of the member states Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden. Many of the countries share a common currency, the Euro.
evacuee a person who has been removed from a place, esp. for safety.
ex1 in commerce, at no cost to the buyer until removed from (a warehouse, ship, or the like). [1/2 definitions]
filings small pieces removed by grinding with a file.
gold mine a place where gold is removed from the earth. [1/2 definitions]
graft1 a living material, such as skin, that is removed and placed on another body or on another part of the same body. [1/3 definitions]
gut (usu. pl.) the internal parts of an animal that are removed when it is butchered; entrails; viscera. [1/11 definitions]