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charter to rent something for a short time for a group of people. [1/2 definitions]
distrain to seize and hold (property), or the property of (someone), to force payment or settlement, as of a debt, claim, rent, or the like.
distraint in law, the act of seizing and holding goods as security against a debt, as for rent, damages, or the like.
hire to have the use of in return for a payment of money; rent. [1/3 definitions]
lease to make an agreement for the use of property for a certain period of time; rent. [2/3 definitions]
let to rent or lease. [2/4 definitions]
overhead at any height directly or generally above the head. [1/3 definitions]
quitrent rent paid by a feudal freeholder in the place of services otherwise required.
rack-rent exorbitantly high annual rent, equal or nearly equal to the full value of the property. [2 definitions]
re-lease to lease or rent again.
rent1 to be offered for rent. [1/4 definitions]
rental an apartment or commercial property available for rent.
renter an owner of real estate who makes property available for rent. [1/2 definitions]
sharecropper a tenant farmer who gives a portion of his or her crop to the owner of the land as rent.
splitting producing a painful sensation of being split or rent. [1/2 definitions]
sublet to rent (one's property held by lease) to another. [1/3 definitions]
tear2 the result of tearing; rent. [1/7 definitions]
tenancy the temporary occupancy or use of another's dwelling, land, or other property, esp. in return for payment of rent. [1/3 definitions]
tenant a person or group that occupies or uses another's house, office, building, or land, esp. in exchange for rent. [1/5 definitions]
tenant farmer a person who leases land for farming and pays cash or a portion of the produce as rent to the owner.
tenantry people who pay rent to use or occupy land, a building, or other property owned by another. [1/2 definitions]