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agent a representative, esp. a salesman. [1/5 definitions]
aliquot a fraction of the whole, taken as representative of it. [1/3 definitions]
ambassador a person who is sent by the government of one country to be its official representative in another country. [2/3 definitions]
at-large election an election in which every voter can vote for candidates to fill any and all vacant positions in a representative body. Unlike a single-member election, in which people can vote only for candidates who represent their particular legislative district, at-large elections allow every person to vote on each vacant position within a governing body.
attorney one whose profession is to give legal advice and to act as a representative in court during legal proceedings; lawyer; attorney-at-law.
atty. abbreviation of "attorney," one whose profession is to give legal advice and to act as a representative in court during legal proceedings; lawyer; attorney-at-law.
classic representative or typical of a class or category; serving as a standard. [1/10 definitions]
Congressional district in U.S. government, any of a state's districts that elect one representative to the national House of Representatives of Congress.
contingent a representative group, sometimes of soldiers or the like, making up part of a larger assemblage. [1/4 definitions]
cross section a representative sample or selection of typical parts that reveals what the whole is like. [1/3 definitions]
delegate to choose or send as an agent or representative. [1/3 definitions]
depute to choose as a representative or representatives. [1/2 definitions]
deputize to authorize to act as an assistant or representative.
deputy in some legislative bodies, a representative. [1/3 definitions]
ex. abbreviation of "example," a particular instance or representative member of a class of things.
example a particular instance or representative member of a class of things. [1/4 definitions]
exit poll an estimate of public opinion on certain candidates or issues that is made by questioning a representative sample of voters as they leave their voting places.
high commissioner a diplomatic representative of ambassadorial rank, representing one member country of the British Commonwealth to another. [1/2 definitions]
icon a person or thing that is considered a clear symbol or representative of something and is the object of reverence or high esteem. [1/4 definitions]
iconic being a clear symbol or representative of something and generally regarded with high esteem. [1/2 definitions]
legate an official envoy or representative, esp. a papal representative.