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GOP abbreviation of "Grand Old Party," an alternative term for the Republican Party.
I.R.A. abbreviation of "Irish Republican Army."
lily-white one who advocates, or is a member of an organization that advocates, exclusion of nonwhites, esp. a member of a former faction of the Republican party in the southern United States that opposed the inclusion of blacks in the party. [1/4 definitions]
loyalist (cap.) someone who supported the British during the American Revolution, or the Republican government during the Spanish Civil War. [1/2 definitions]
R.2 abbreviation of "Republican."
republic a specific nation having a republican form of government. [1/3 definitions]
republican (cap.) relating to the Republican Party of the United States. [3/4 definitions]
republicanism adherence to the principles and constitutional forms of republican government. [2 definitions]
republicanize to make republican.
Republican Party a former political party in the United States, organized by Thomas Jefferson in 1792; Democratic-Republican Party. [1/2 definitions]
scalawag a white Republican in the South during the Resconstruction period following the American Civil War (used contemptuously). [1/2 definitions]