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accelerator in nuclear physics, a device that creates high-energy particles by acceleration through electrostatic or electromagnetic means, used for research. [1/3 definitions]
antivivisection opposition to experimentation performed on living animals, as in medical research.
artificial intelligence research in and development of computer programs that imitate human thought processes such as reasoning or decision-making.
bathyscaph a small, self-contained deep-sea research submarine with a spherical observation chamber mounted under the hull.
bioethical of or pertaining to the ethical implications of biological research and biological research applications.
bioethics the study of the ethical implications of biological and medical research and research applications.
Bureau of Labor Statistics a research agency of the U.S. Department of Labor that collects and compiles statistical information, providing such measures as Consumer Price Index, inflation rate, and unemployment rate.
cadaver a dead body, esp. one used for medical research or instruction.
case history a record of pertinent facts and changes, usu. in a client or research subject undergoing medical, psychiatric, or similar treatment or study.
cesium a salt compound of cesium and chlorine used in medicine and research as a high-density purification agent; cesium chloride. [1/2 definitions]
clinical of or related to direct observation and treatment of patients, as opposed to theory or laboratory research. [1/3 definitions]
clinician a doctor who studies or practices medicine by direct observation and treatment, as opposed to theory or laboratory research.
control to assure the validity of by providing a means of comparison, esp. in scientific research. [1/9 definitions]
dig a research project that involves digging for artifacts or bones. [1/6 definitions]
dissertation a formal and usu. lengthy exposition in speech or writing, esp. a detailed report of research by a candidate for a doctoral degree.
E. coli a species of bacteria, present in the intestines of all vertebrates, that is widely used in biological research.
econometrics (used with a sing. verb) the application of mathematical and statistical methods to research in economics.
explorer (cap.) any of a series of U.S. research satellites. [1/3 definitions]
fieldwork scientific research, exploration, or observation conducted in the field rather than the laboratory or classroom. [1/2 definitions]
fishery a fish hatchery, as for research or for raising fish to stock in bodies of water. [1/3 definitions]
Galápagos Islands a group of Ecuadorian islands in the Pacific Ocean about 1,000 miles off the west coast of South America, known for their large number of endemic species and their pivotal role in Charles Darwin's research.