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buck2 (informal) to oppose or resist stubbornly or with determination. [1/7 definitions]
cave in (informal) to give in or not resist. [1/2 definitions]
cutwater the upstream face of a bridge pier, designed to resist moving water or ice. [1/2 definitions]
defy to resist efforts at. [1/3 definitions]
fend to provide defense; resist. [1/3 definitions]
fiber in diet, certain plant carbohydrates that resist digestion but speed the digestion of other foods and ease intestinal evacuation. [1/5 definitions]
fight the capacity to resist or struggle. [1/9 definitions]
fighter one who has the strength or courage to fight back or resist. [1/2 definitions]
geostatic of a building, bridge, or other construction, able to resist such pressure. [1/2 definitions]
hold out to stand firm and not give in; resist. [1/2 definitions]
immunity the condition of being able to resist a disease.
inert not being able to move, act, or resist.
inoculate to inject with a very small amount of a disease to help resist that disease in the future.
irresistible impossible not to give in to or resist.
mothproof to prepare (a material) to resist infestation by or damage caused by moth larvae. [1/2 definitions]
nonresistant one who does not resist, esp. one who refuses to use violence or force either in self-defense or in opposition to arbitrary or illegal authority. [1/2 definitions]
oppose to think, act, or be against; resist. [1/2 definitions]
outface to confront (danger or the like) bravely; defy or resist. [1/2 definitions]
photolithography a technique or process of offset printing in which an image is photographically transferred onto a metal or paper sheet that is then developed and specially treated to resist ink on all but the transferred image.
pressurize to make in such a way as to resist outside pressure. [1/2 definitions]
prestressed concrete concrete reinforced with steel cables, wires, or the like, which have been embedded in it under tension and thus actively resist loads.