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aerodynamic having a smooth, even shape that offers the least possible resistance to air currents or movement.
anarchism the practice, employed by some anarchists, of resistance to or violence against government. [1/2 definitions]
break to forcefully tame or overcome the strength or resistance of. [1/26 definitions]
contumacy stubborn and obstinate resistance to authority; rebelliousness.
defiance resistance against authority; insubordination; rebellion. [1/3 definitions]
disease-resistent of or pertaining to disease resistance.
drug resistance the reduction in effectiveness of a drug in curing an infectious disease or cancer. Drug resistance typically develops when pathogenic cells or cancerous cells evolve the ability to tolerate a drug used to kill them.
force to cause to do something despite resistance or hesitation. [1/6 definitions]
fortify to give more strength, resistance, or energy to; reinforce.
friction the resistance of a surface to motion, as of an object sliding or rolling over it. [1/3 definitions]
Gandhiism the social and political theories and practices of Gandhi, esp. those of nonviolent resistance.
hostility resistance or opposition. [1/3 definitions]
immunology the branch of medicine concerned with antibody production and resistance to disease.
impedance a measure of the total resistance of an electric circuit to an alternating current flow, usu. expressed in ohms.
inert without ability to move, act, or offer resistance. [1/3 definitions]
load in engineering, resistance to mechanical operation. [1/17 definitions]
m.2 abbreviation of "mass," in physics, the quality of a body that determines its resistance to acceleration.
mass in physics, the quality of a body that determines its resistance to acceleration. [1/10 definitions]
multidrug resistance the reduction in effectiveness of more than one drug in curing an infectious disease or cancer. Drug resistance typically develops when pathogenic cells or cancerous cells evolve the ability to tolerate drugs used to kill them.
nationalist (cap.) a follower of a political movement that favors national government and resistance against foreign domination or interference. [1/3 definitions]
ohm a unit of electrical resistance equal to the resistance of a circuit in which an electromotive force of one volt produces a current of one ampere.