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ace in the hole a resource that remains unrevealed or unused until a particular need arises.
all-out using every resource or means available.
conservation the preservation of a resource, esp. a natural resource such as soil, water, or forests, from loss, pollution, or waste. [1/2 definitions]
drain something that slowly uses up energy, money, or some other resource. [1/9 definitions]
nonrenewable of or pertaining to a natural resource that, once it has been used, is not replaceable. [1/2 definitions]
pool2 any resource used in common by many groups or people. [1/7 definitions]
sustainable of or related to a method of managing or using a resource so that the resource is never used up or forever damaged. [1/2 definitions]
sustainable agriculture a method of agriculture that allows a farmer to produce crops and raise livestock without damaging the farm as an ecosystem, thus allowing for a conserved or improved natural resource base to be passed on to subsequent generations of farmers.
sustainable development a process of social and economic development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, esp. with respect to natural resource depletion and environmental pollution.
tap2 to draw upon (some resource or a supply of funds). [1/9 definitions]
trump some resource that can be held in reserve to use at a moment of need. [1/5 definitions]
uniform resource locator an address identifying the location of a file on the Internet, commonly called a "URL." A uniform resource locator, or URL, consists of the computer on which the file is located and the file's location on that computer.
URL the address of documents on the World Wide Web. "URL" is an abbreviation of "uniform resource locator."
vade mecum (Latin) a resource that a person carries around constantly, such as a guidebook, manual, or map.