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abbé a title of respect for any clergyman, esp. in France.
acceptation favorable respect or esteem; approval. [1/2 definitions]
ad hoc for this particular case, occasion, or purpose only; with respect only to this. [1/2 definitions]
admiration a feeling of deep respect and approval.
admire to have a high opinion of; respect.
angle1 the degree to which a line or plane slants with respect to a horizontal or vertical plane. [1/10 definitions]
archconservative an extremely conservative person, esp. with respect to political and social issues. [1/2 definitions]
attention (usually plural) acts of respect, care, or politeness. [1/4 definitions]
awe a very strong feeling of wonder mixed with respect or fear. [1/2 definitions]
awe-inspiring capable of producing great respect, admiration, or humility in others.
babu a Hindu form of address that is the equivalent of Mr. or Sir, used in eastern India as a term of respect.
befitting suitable or appropriate, often with respect to a particular situation or sphere of conduct.
bey a title of respect formerly used for Turkish rulers. [1/3 definitions]
bhai a term of respect among Hindus meaning "brother."
bob1 to incline or dip one's body as a sign of respect; curtsy or bow. [1/4 definitions]
bow1 to bend the head or upper body forward toward the feet in order to greet or show respect to someone.
bwana in parts of Africa, a term of respect formerly used by natives when addressing Europeans.
cap in hand with meekness and respect; in a humble manner.
catastrophic extensive with respect to amount of destruction or negative impact. [1/2 definitions]
categorical imperative the claims of personal conscience in respect to a particular ethical choice.
civil of or with respect to social order; civilized. [1/4 definitions]