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bring to to cause (someone) to regain consciousness; revive.
come around to regain consciousness; revive. [1/3 definitions]
come round to regain consciousness; revive. [1/2 definitions]
exhume to revive or restore to prominence, esp. after a period of obscurity. [1/2 definitions]
quicken to restore to vitality; stimulate, revive, or animate. [1/4 definitions]
rally1 to revive, as if from a faint or illness. [1/12 definitions]
refresh to revive the energy or spirits of (a person), as with food, rest or a bath. [2/5 definitions]
renew to revive or regain (strength or spirits). [1/6 definitions]
resuscitate to bring back to life or consciousness; revive.
revival a lively religious meeting meant to revive religious feeling in people. [1/3 definitions]