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bulldog a type of revolver or pistol with a short barrel and large caliber. [1/3 definitions]
cylinder in a revolver, the rotating chamber containing the cartridges. [1/5 definitions]
forty-five a forty-five caliber pistol or revolver, or a cartridge of .45 inches in diameter to be used in such a gun. [1/3 definitions]
gun a firearm, such as a rifle or revolver. [1/7 definitions]
magnum (usu. cap.) a revolver or the like that fires magnum cartridges. [1/3 definitions]
revolver a pistol with a revolving cylinder that holds bullets. A revolver can fire several shots without having to be loaded each time.
Russian roulette a deadly game of chance in which each participant takes a turn at spinning the cylinder of a revolver that holds only one bullet, pointing it at his or her own head, and pulling the trigger. [1/2 definitions]