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amateur one who pursues an activity or is devoted to a study purely for intrinsic reward rather than monetary gain. [1/5 definitions]
big league (informal; often pl.) an area of highest competition, achievement, reward, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
big-league (informal) of, concerning, or suitable for an area of highest competition, achievement, reward, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
bonus a payment added to a person's regular pay as a reward for hard work.
bounty a reward or payment for catching outlaws or killing certain kinds of wild animals. [1/2 definitions]
commission money given to a salesperson as a payment or reward for selling something. [1/7 definitions]
crown a wreath or other ornamental circlet conferred as a reward or mark of honor for an athletic, military, or other achievement. [2/21 definitions]
deserve to be worthy or suited for something given such as a reward, punishment, or other requital. [1/2 definitions]
dividend a bonus or unexpected reward or benefit. [1/4 definitions]
hack2 one who surrenders professional or artistic integrity or commitment in return for monetary reward. [1/10 definitions]
hire to take on as a worker for money or other reward. [1/3 definitions]
hit the jackpot (informal) to have sudden good luck or success, esp. with a financial reward.
honorarium a payment or other reward made to a professional person in recognition of services for which, by tradition, there is no set fee.
informer one who secretly provides incriminating information about another, esp. for reward.
justice proper treatment, reward, or punishment. [1/3 definitions]
kickback a sum of money given, typically secretly, to one in a powerful position, usu. as a reward for having used his or her influence to make a business deal possible. [1/2 definitions]
Lazarus according to the New Testament, the diseased beggar whose reward is heaven in the parable of the rich man and the beggar. [1/2 definitions]
lure something that attracts or tempts by promising some reward. [2/3 definitions]
medal a flat, small piece of metal used as an honor or reward. A medal usually has a design or words on it.
merit character or achievement that deserves reward, praise, or approval. [1/5 definitions]
meritorious having merit; worthy of praise or reward.