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arête a sharp, narrow ridge or crest on a mountain.
arris in architecture, the edge, ridge, or line made when two surfaces meet at an angle, as in a molding.
barrier reef a ridge of coral running parallel to a coast.
brow the ridge of bone above the eye, or the hair growing on it; eyebrow. [1/2 definitions]
chine crest; ridge. [1/4 definitions]
continental divide an extensive ridge of mountains on a continent that separates river systems flowing in opposite directions.
coral reef a mound or ridge of coral skeletons and calcium deposits that forms in warm, shallow sea waters.
divide a ridge of land that separates two areas. [1/5 definitions]
eyebrow the ridge of bone above each eye. [2 definitions]
fin a rib or ridge, as on a radiator or engine, designed to maximize heat transfer to the environment. [1/8 definitions]
fold1 a crease, bend, or ridge, as in an anatomical or geological structure. [1/16 definitions]
gable roof a roof with two surfaces that slope down and out from a ridge to form a gable at each end.
gyrus a winding and twisted ridge, esp. on the surface of the brain.
hogback a long, sharp, mountainous ridge, often formed of steeply inclined strata.
hummock a raised ridge in an ice field. [1/2 definitions]
iguana a large lizard found mostly in the warmer parts of Central and South America. Many iguanas have a ridge of spines down the middle of the back. Unlike other lizards, iguanas eat only plants.
keel in biology, a longitudinal structure on a bone, stem, leaf, or the like; ridge; carina. [1/4 definitions]
knurl a small ridge, esp. one of a series of ridges that make an object easier to grip. [1/3 definitions]
ledge an underwater reef or ridge. [1/3 definitions]
molehill a small heap or ridge of loose soil made by a burrowing mole.
raphe a seamlike ridge between two halves of a bilaterally symmetrical organ or structure such as the scrotum, the coats of certain seeds, or the valves of certain diatom shells.