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Aladdin in The Arabian Nights, a boy who finds a magic lamp and ring, each of which enables him to bring forth a powerful genie who can grant his every wish.
annual ring one of the rings of wood on the inside of a tree that can be seen when the tree is cut into logs. Each ring represents a year of growth.
annular ring-shaped.
annular eclipse an eclipse of the sun in which a ring-shaped portion of the sun remains visible around the moon.
annulus a ring-shaped part, structure, or area.
arena a stage, ring, or other enclosed area where shows or sports events are held. [1/3 definitions]
areola in anatomy, a small ring of color, as around a human nipple. [1/2 definitions]
atoll an island or reef that surrounds a lagoon. An atoll is shaped like a ring.
bagel a kind of bread roll that is shaped like a ring. Bagel dough is boiled in water before it is baked.
band2 a thin strip of hard material, often metal, in the shape of a ring. [1/4 definitions]
bangle a bracelet in the form of a solid ring.
basketball a game played by two teams of five people each. You get points when you throw a ball through a metal ring and net. [1/2 definitions]
benzodiazepine any of a class of drugs containing a benzene ring that acts as a sedative and muscle relaxant.
capo2 a leader of an organized crime ring such as the Mafia.
chelate in chemistry, of or designating a ring compound that has one or more hydrogen bonds. [2/7 definitions]
chime to ring out. [1/3 definitions]
circle any arrangement in the shape of a ring or circle. [1/8 definitions]
clang to make a clear, loud sound or ring, such as that made when two heavy metal objects are struck together. [1/2 definitions]
clangor a clear, resonant sound or ring; clang. [1/3 definitions]
clank a short sound, as of metal being struck, that does not ring. [1/4 definitions]
closed chain a group of chemically linked atoms that can be represented in models and formulas as a ring or circle.