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Dictionary Suite
contest a competition, as for an award, that matches rival abilities, performances, qualities, or the like. [1/5 definitions]
mole3 a spy who has become employed in a rival country's intelligence service or other government agency, usu. for a long period, in order to aid the country for which he or she is spying. [1/2 definitions]
outrival combined form of rival.
put away (informal) to thoroughly beat or kill (a competitor, rival, enemy, or the like). [1/4 definitions]
rival being, or able to be, a rival; competing. [1/4 definitions]
rivalry the act, relation, or condition of a rival or rivals; competition. [1/2 definitions]
Satan the supreme evil spirit in Christianity and Judaism. Satan is considered to be the enemy of humans, the rival of God, and the ruler of hell; the Devil.
unapproachable impossible to reach, come near, or rival; inaccessible. [1/2 definitions]
unrivaled not equaled; having no rival, peer, or competition; incomparable.