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bellow a deep, loud roar of a bull. [1/5 definitions]
leopard a large mammal with short yellow or gray fur and black spots. Leopards with very dark fur are called black leopards or panthers. They live in southern Asia and Africa but are threatened or endangered in all their habitats. Leopards are carnivores and are closely related to lions, tigers, and other big cats that roar.
lion a large, very strong mammal with short tan fur. Male lions have a mane of longer hair around the neck and head. Lions live in parts of Africa and Asia. They are carnivores and are closely related to tigers, leopards, and other big cats that roar.
outroar combined form of roar.
panther a leopard or jaguar, especially a black one with no spots that show. Leopards live in Africa and Asia. Jaguars live in South or Central America. Panthers are carnivorous mammals and are closely related to lions, tigers, and other large cats that roar. [1/2 definitions]
ramp of an animal, to rear on the hind legs as if to roar or pounce. [1/7 definitions]
rampant of an animal, raised up on the hind legs as if to roar or pounce. [1/5 definitions]
rave to roar and blow, as a storm. [1/3 definitions]
tiger a large, very strong mammal with short, yellow-orange fur and black stripes. Tigers are carnivores. They live in several parts of Asia but are endangered in all their habitats. Tigers are the largest of the big cats and are closely related to lions, leopards, and other cats that roar.