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admirer a person who finds another person attractive or is interested in another person in a romantic way. [1/2 definitions]
amorous generally inclined to feeling romantic love, or inclined at a particular time to engage in romantic or sexual activity. [1/2 definitions]
antiromantic combined form of romantic.
attached (informal) married or in a romantic relationship; not single or available as a partner. [1/4 definitions]
ballad a light popular song, often having a romantic theme. [1/2 definitions]
ballade a romantic musical composition, often for the piano. [1/2 definitions]
be over someone to no longer feel any romantic feelings for (someone).
boyfriend a favorite male friend with whom you have a romantic relationship.
break up to end a romantic relationship; separate. [1/10 definitions]
come on to (informal) to make a romantic approach.
coquet to make playful romantic or sexual overtures; flirt. [1/2 definitions]
couple two people who are together by marriage or by being in a romantic relationship. [1/2 definitions]
crime passionel (French) crime of passion; a crime committed in extreme passion, esp. sexual or romantic jealousy.
croon to sing a romantic song or the like smoothly or sentimentally. [1/5 definitions]
crush a strong but temporary romantic attraction to a person, or the person who is the object of the attraction. [1/5 definitions]
date1 an appointment to meet for a social event with a person with whom one has a romantic interest. [3/11 definitions]
fall in love to begin to have strong feelings of romantic love (often followed by "with").
fancy (chiefly British) to have a romantic or sexual interest in. [1/14 definitions]
feeling (often pl.) a sentimental or romantic impulse. [1/10 definitions]
fix up to act so as to effect a romantic relationship between (two people). [1/4 definitions]
flirt to play at love; act in a romantic way that is not serious. [1/2 definitions]