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Dictionary Suite
accommodate to have room for. [1/3 definitions]
acoustics the aspects of a room or space that make sounds easy or difficult to hear (used with a plural verb).
air conditioner a machine that cools the air in a room or car. An air conditioner also takes the dust and dampness out of the air.
alcove a partly enclosed area of a room.
American plan a system by which hotels charge a fixed rate for room, meals, and service. (Cf. European plan.)
amphitheater a room of similar construction, used for lectures and the like. [1/2 definitions]
antechamber a small room that acts as a waiting room or entryway to a larger room; anteroom.
anteroom a small room that acts as an entry to a larger room; waiting room.
apartment a room or set of rooms used as living space.
appliance a device used for a particular purpose. Stoves, refrigerators, toasters, vacuum cleaners, and room heaters are some appliances used in the home. Most applicances use electricity.
apt. abbreviation of "apartment," a room or set of rooms used as living space by a single household and usu. located in a building containing a number of such rooms or sets of rooms.
art room a room in a school where art is taught and where art materials are kept.
athenaeum a reading room or library. [1/2 definitions]
auditorium a large room or building where people gather for a performance or speech.
au pair (French) a girl or woman who works for a family, usu. in a foreign country, in exchange for room and board. [1/2 definitions]
ballroom a large room used for dancing.
barroom a room where alcoholic beverages are served, usu. at a bar or counter.
bathroom a room with a toilet and often a sink or bathtub.
bay2 a part of a room that juts out from the rest of the building, usually containing a set of windows. [1/2 definitions]
bedroom a room used for sleeping.
bedsit (chiefly British; informal) a typically inexpensive rental accommodation combining a bedroom and sitting room along with facilities for cooking.