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capon a rooster that has been castrated and fattened to improve its palatability.
chanticleer a rooster.
cock1 the adult male of a chicken or other fowl; rooster. [2/7 definitions]
cock-a-doodle-doo a representation or imitation of the cry of a rooster.
cockerel a young domestic rooster.
cockscomb the comb of a rooster. [1/3 definitions]
comb the fleshy crest on the head of some domesticated fowl and other birds, most prominent on the male, such as the rooster. [1/9 definitions]
crest a tuft or other projecting growth on an animal's head, such as the comb of a rooster, or anything resembling such a growth. [1/7 definitions]
crow2 to make the harsh call of a rooster. [2/4 definitions]
gamecock a rooster trained and often bred for fighting.
hackle one of the long, thin feathers on the neck or lower back of certain birds, such as the rooster. [2/3 definitions]
weathercock a weather vane, esp. one shaped like a rooster.